DirectX Learning.
First demo.
1. DirectX environment configuration under vs.
(1) Download and install DirectX SDK.
(2) Configure the directory and reference directory in VS.
SDK installation directory: C: Program Files (x86) Microsoft DirectX SDK (June 2010).
Include directory: C: Program Files (x86) Microsoft DirectX SDK (June 2010) Include.
Reference directory: C: Program Files (x86) Microsoft DirectX SDK (June 2010) Lib x86.
2. DirectX initialization steps.
(1) Initialize COM objects.
PD3D= Direct3DCreate9 (D3D_SDK VERSION);
(2) Obtain hardware information.
D3DCAPS9 caps;
Int vp= 0.
If (FAILED (pD3D -->GetDeviceCaps (D3DAPTER-DEFAULT, D3DDEVTYPE-HAL,& caps))) {.
Return false;
(3) Create objects.
//Create device.
If (FAILED (pD3D -> Create Device (D3DAPTER-DEFAULT, D3DDEVTYPEHAL, hwnd, vp,& d3dpp,& g_pd3dDevice)) {.
Return false;
Objects_ Init()// Initialize rendering parameters.
(4) Graphic rendering.
//1. Clear screen operation.
If (FAILED (g_pd3dDevice -> Clear (0, NULL, D3DCLEAR-TARGET, D3DCOLOR_XRGB (0, 0, 0), 1.0f, 0))) {.
//2. Start scene.
If (FAILED (g_pd3dDevice -> BeginScene())) {.
//3. Formal drawing.
If (FAILED (D3DXCreatFont (g_pd3dDevice, 25, 12, 0, D3DX-DEFAULT, false, DEFAULT-CHARSET, OUT-DEFAULT-PRECIS, DEFAULT-QUALITY, 0, L" MEPIX",& font)) {.
RECT fontPosition;
FontPosition. top= 20;
FontPosition. bottom= 200;
FontPosition. right= 200;
FontPosition. left= 20;
Font -> DrawText (0, L" Hello world!", -1,& fontPosition, DT-CENTER | DT_VCENTER, D3DCOLOR_XRGB (255 * rand(), 255 * rand(), 255 * rand());
//4. End scene.
If (FAILED (g_pd3dDevice -> EndScene())) {.
//5. Flip display.
G_ Pd3dDevice -> Present (NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
(5) Clear.
PD3D --> Release();