Visual Studio configuring DirectX environment

Configuration environment: Create a new empty project -> Set to x64 platform [Debug] -> File -> New -> Create a project from existing code -> After successful generation -> Solution Explorer, right-click on the project, select Properties, and then perform several steps:

1. Click on VC++ Directory, set to include directory and library directory .

Include directory addresses such as C: Program Files (x86) Microsoft DirectX SDK (June 2010) Include.

The library directory address is: C: Program Files (x86) Microsoft DirectX SDK (June 2010) Lib x64.

2. Linker -> Enter -> Additional dependencies, input .

D3d9. lib.

D3dx9. lib.


3. Linker -> System -> Subsystems -> window .

4. Configure Properties -> Advanced -> Set up a multi byte character set (sometimes requiring Unicode) .

Finally, right-click on the dropdown menu to regenerate the project.

Addendum: If the solution explorer cannot be found, the window -> reset window layout.